Introducing: The NEW 2 Live Freely E-Newsletter/Blog
Continuing the tradition of the 2 Live Freely blog since 2008
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Ed Helvey |
Hello Everyone and welcome to the Introductory issue of the 2 Live Freely blog/e-newsletter. Today is May 1, 2022 and I've titled this inaugural article – New Beginnings!
You may be a subscriber to the 2 Live Freely Blog I've been writing and posting in for 14 years. You may be on my email list and have never read any of my nearly 1,000 blog posts. Or, maybe you just came across this newsletter/blog through some browsing around the web. Regardless, I hope you will give it a try, like it and stay tuned in.
First, I plan to cover a lot of ideas, tips, philosophies and other topics that are important to the topic of living free and being happy. That's been my mantra for the past decade or more. I haven't been writing a lot during the past three years or so due to . . .
Second, writer's block having set in. That is a terrible thing for anyone who likes to express himself or herself in writing to deal with. I was stricken with what was diagnosed as a terminal case of one of the deadliest forms of cancer almost three years ago. I started writing somewhat prolifically during the treatment process I was going through. But, that was mostly reporting on what I was experiencing during that period. I finally fell away from that topic. But, thankfully, I obviously survived due to a number of miracles and the marvels of the modern medical arts and science.
Third, I have no intention of telling you how you should change your life to realize and gain the personal freedom and happiness that you are, apparently, seeking if you're drawn to and will be reading my upcoming articles. It's not my objective or intention to tell you what to do. What I will be doing is sharing ideas, tips and philosophies from my own research and experiences. Will they all work for you? I don't know. That will be for you to determine IF you choose to try any of them. However, I would really like to have you tell me what's going on in your life so I can learn more from you. I'd even like to share your experiences, tips, ideas and philosophies with me and the other readers. I may invite you to be a guest on this blog and on the podcast that I'm planning to accompany it.
I will be sharing who I am. You may think it's about my ego and blowing my own horn. But, frankly, I'm just another of the nearly eight billion humans currently inhabiting this particle of “space dust,” also known as the third rock from the sun. I came from nowhere and when I leave this planet, I'll be going to I know not where. As a young thinking, 77 year old, two time cancer survivor, I've had an opportunity over the past couple of years, as I went through very aggressive treatment and surgery, to look back at my lifetime. Most of us don't realize all we've experienced, achieved and overcome to become the people we are today. Of course, you may be in, what I call, the third-half of your life. Or, you may be in the middle of your life journey. Or, you may be in the beginning phase of this thing we call life. Whichever the case, it's my hope and intention to share who I am today and the path that brought me here, including the ups and the downs. Life is full of them.
So, in the next few episodes of this blog or podcast, however you decide to consume it, you'll learn about my biographical history. The good, the bad, and possibly some of the ugly. From this, you'll have a basis to build your thoughts about what you may be able to learn from me and the “wisdom” of my age. If anything fits, you may try it on. If it seems like it doesn't work for you, then you can pass. However, I would urge you to take the time to reminisce about your own life, from the beginning to the current time, regardless of your current age. Everyone is unique. And, I hope as this blog/podcast progresses you'll be willing to share some of your insights.
Additionally, I launched a Facebook group a few years ago called the Living Free Project. Perhaps you're already a member of the group. If not, I'd make the suggestion you join it. It's a place to share ideas, ask questions, learn about how others are seeking and enjoying various facets of personal freedom and happiness. It's only been sporadically active over the past couple of years. I think it's time for it to become a voice for everyone and anyone who feels they are missing out on much of what life offers each of us.
And, finally, while I was recently viewing a YouTube video by a mid-50 year old, single, full-time, woman RVer, Carolyn's RV Life, I heard a piece of music that really spoke to me. It was in the middle of her nearly 30 minute program and it was simply the music with beautiful nature scenes as she gets to enjoy them through her freedom loving, nomadic lifestyle. The song is titled “Supposed To.” I found her source for the song and I'm including the link. I'm planning to license the song as part of this 2 Live Freely site. I believe it will relate to most of us. It's an interesting statement on our society. Of course, it doesn't relate to everyone. I've had some friends who believe it's only about regrets. I know it sure grabbed me. I've virtually always pushed the envelope throughout my life. And, yet, as I listened to it, I realized just how conditioned I was to do what I was supposed to. So, here is the link: Supposed To
I'll be interested in your take on the song. How does it impact you and your thinking about your own life?
That's all for this New Beginning article. Watch for the podcast version if you'd prefer to listen, I'll have the link here on this site. And, if you're not a subscriber, I hope you'll take the initiative to click on the subscribe button and be a regular reader/listener. And, I'd really appreciate it if you'd help me grow this 2 Live Freely blog and podcast by sharing it with your friends. Over the years this site has been read in over 100 countries and I'm hoping to gain that kind of readership again.
Live free and be happy, EH