Sunday, August 7, 2011

Photo of the Week #16 The Blue Ridge Mountains near Sparta, NC

I selected this photo because as I write this short narrative and post this photo, this is actually where I am. The photo was taken a couple years ago during the winter. It was taken from the precise location I’m located currently, the deck of my grad school friends’ house. I’m at my buddy’s home, near Sparta and about 5 minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway, to attend the memorial/celebration of life gathering for my other grad school friend and my buddy’s wife. My last post was a tribute to Caroline. The gathering was on Friday evening August 5, 2011. It was a very uplifting and joyful celebration of Caroline’s life.

The view in the photo is from the deck at the back of my buddy’s home. I believe on a clear day you can see as many as 15 or 16 mountain ridges from the deck and I believe some of them are in Tennessee.

I did experience an unfortunate circumstance on this trip. This past Thursday evening driving from the downtown section of the very small town of Sparta, NC on my way up the mountain to my friend’s home, I encountered a “suicide deer” who chose my car as her means of demise. It was dark. I had the high beams on to give me all the visibility I could have. I knew there were plenty of deer in this area and I was driving a bit slower and watching very carefully. Unfortunately, a very large doe darted out of nowhere right in front of my car. The deer succeeded in her mission and is lying beside the road. She also managed to wipe out my small front grill, the headlights, the radiator, the hood and the windshield. Additionally, the airbags deployed. So, the car has been rendered undrivable. I will have a rental car provided by my insurance company on Monday and I’m awaiting the insurance appraiser to check the car and give me an estimate for the repairs.

An inconvenience? Absolutely! But, it’s part of the challenges of living free.

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