Sunday, June 17, 2012

Photo of the Week #59 - A Great White Egret in the Mangroves – September 2004

The mangrove communities of Florida are the home to a variety of wild life, including many kinds of birds. I was on a snorkeling outing on the reef off Key Largo, Florida with a friend when I took this shot. We were aboard the boat taking us through a channel lined by mangroves on both sides when we happened upon this regal Great White Egret. Once again, nature at its finest.

Many photographers specialize in specific subjects in their photographic pursuits. I don’t consider myself a professional photographer. I rather think I’m more a documentary photographer. I find beauty and a story in everything – landscapes and flora, wildlife, architecture, geography and topography, people – it really doesn’t matter. I simply aim and shoot to capture the moment. These are the lifetime of memories I’m building up so one day, should I actually ever grow old, I can sit back and relive all of these experiences and count the “richness” of my life.

Behold, The Great White Egret.

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