Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1, 2015 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

My very best wishes for a

Happy, Healthy, Abundant
Free Living

It is New Years Day 2015 as I compose this article. It's a great time to reevaluate your life and plans for the future. I don't make New Years resolutions. I find that they are useless for me. But, if you go back to my December 29, 2012 article title, "How Do You Eat An Elephant?"  you can read or reread about the "elephants" in our lives.

There is a lot going on in our world. While I'm very optimistic about my personal life and lifestyle, I don't hold that same optimistic outlook toward most of our society (mainly the U.S., but even that of other countries around the world). If you have questions about your own future then, perhaps, now is a good time to consider adopting, modifying or expanding a living free philosophy for yourself and your partner/spouse and family.

The "12 Steps for Living Free" that I introduced a little over three years ago and revised in the spring of 2012 is a great place to start. . . READ MORE

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