Sunday, November 15, 2015

Photo-of-the-Week #237 – In Solidarity with the French People, Friday, November 13, 2015

This week's photo, or actually a symbol, isn't about me or the places or experiences I've had. It's about the horrific experience the French, and especially the Parisians, had on November 13, 2015 . . . Friday the 13th.

In the U.S., the Friday following our Thanksgiving Day holiday has become known as Black Friday. Frankly, I never got it . . . the designation, that is. However, Friday the 13th of November this year is truly a Black Friday for France.

We may not all agree with each others' or other countries' politics, but no one, no people or country deserves what happened in Paris on that day.

I have little more to say than my thoughts, prayers and condolences go to the people of France and especially the families and friends of those who lost loved ones through the carnage that occurred that day. That includes at least one American family (so far). Vive la France, God Bless America and God Bless all freedom loving people everywhere. 

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