Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photo of the Week #8 – Chapel of the Sacred Cross #2, Sedona, AZ

The Chapel of the Sacred Cross is worth a second look. In the previous Photo of the week, I took the photo from several miles away to illustrate the perspective of the Chapel to its setting in the Red Rocks. This shot presents a different perspective. While the Chapel is not a large structure, it is still significant in size. This shot was still from some distance and I used the telephoto lens to capture the Chapel, so it’s not as sharp as I would have preferred. Also dealing with heat waves radiating from the desert floor and the rock formations presented an interesting challenge, too.

You can see how the structure is nestled into the rock formation. You can’t see the parking area directly below the Chapel nor the road the winds up to it where those with disabilities or who aren’t as sure footed can be driven up to the building. There is also a terrace adjoining the building that allows one to soak in the grandeur of the panoramic view of the Red Rock region of Arizona.

There is no question about it being a major tourist attraction, but it was worth the time to see. For me, the experience left me with an even stronger understanding of how insignificant each person is in the broad scale of things. Yet, it also impressed me with how powerful this small mass of gray matter between our ears is when I look at the accomplishments of humans . . . all beginning with a dream, a vision of what can be.

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