Friday, July 22, 2011

Travelers’ Tech Tips (for Nomads, Gypsies, RVers & other Travelers) - Introduction

I am a “professional nomad” and proud to make that claim. Obviously, from the title of this blog and if you’ve read any of it or have been following me, you know that as of two and a half years ago, I broke away from what most people consider a “traditional” lifestyle to create a new lifestyle for myself I call “Living Free.” In my youthful years I fancied myself as being pretty free. During my adult and business years I also enjoyed a certain amount of freedom. But, during neither of these periods was I truly as free as I am today. The difference is technology.

I’ve been a “techy” since I was about 12 or 13 years old and discovered an old shortwave radio. That led to me earning my amateur radio license, which I still maintain to this day, over 50 years. I then discovered broadcasting, the recording and the video fields and I’ve enjoyed playing with (and using to make a living) techy stuff all my life. So, this is a natural progression for me.

The idea for this series of posts struck me when I was doing a short of profile of myself  and the lifestyle I lead for a new RV group that formed on the Internet. As I read it, I realized just how different I am from most people. I figured that others could gain and hopefully improve their own lives and lifestyles if some of the things that are working for me might also benefit them. So, what you’re going to get is life as a professional nomad and the technology that makes it possible.

Technology is the focus of this series on my blog. Technology has afforded me freedom I was never able to imagine or realize during the earlier phases of my life. Now, in my simplified, minimalized, downsized, low overhead, living-free lifestyle I still need to handle most of the responsibilities of anyone living a traditional lifestyle. However, as a nomad with no set place to park my rump everyday, I have to have everything portable or mobile, if you will. Since I’m not wealthy, or even what most traditionally minded people would call financially secure, I need to do all this economically and cost effectively.

No! I don’t have a job. I have never had a job other then the jobs I’ve created for myself in my own businesses. And, no, I’m not interested in looking for a job. I earn my income as I always have, as an independent, small businessman. This is another reason for technology to work for me.

As you read these posts, you may feel that you know more then me about some of this. You may have similar or, perhaps, unique experiences of your own. You may also learn something that you either never knew before or didn’t realize you already had at your disposal. You may have a question that’s just been itching to be asked. Whatever it is, please feel free to contribute to this blog. That’s what the comment section is for. I solicit your feedback and your contributions. We’re all in this life together, individually. If we can help each other, we’re all going to be further ahead.

The topics are going to be varied and cover everything from cell/smart phones to computers, tablets, ebook readers, iPod/mp3 players, GPS, Internet connectivity on the road, how to pack and carry everything and just about everything that is required to be a homeless, professional nomad. I’m going to review certain things when I either own them myself or can gain access to them.

By the way, everything discussed here won’t necessarily be “high-tech.” There is a lot of “low-tech” stuff that’s totally useful, cost effective and interfaces with the “high-tech” stuff.  The information will continue to evolve since technology is evolving, changing and progressing at lightning speed.

I don’t have a specific plan for the topics I’ll discuss. Besides, something new or interesting may pop up at the spur of the moment, that may become the next topic.

Here’s my objective. I’m going to have fun. I hope you have fun, too. And, best of all, I’m going to be learning new things as I go along and I hope you will, also.

Please comment, email me, pass this information on to friends, subscribe to the blog, follow me on Twitter at @LiveandWorkFree, click the “like” button on my Facebook page, LivingFree – here’s a link There’s also a Yahoo Group I’ve formed, LiveFreeandHappy with a button to the right of this post. There you’ll be able to participate in interactive discussions with me and others like yourself. And, of course, there is other information on Living Free on this blog and I invite you to learn as much as you’d care to about an alternative lifestyle.

Thanks for reading this first Travelers’ Tech Tips post (I like alliteration). Keep tuned – the nitty gritty begins with the next post on this topic.



Anonymous said...

looking forward to the nitty gritty. always looking for tips on traveling light with my tech gear.

Ed Helvey said...

Great! If you have any contributions that I and other readers can gain from, please feel free to share them if you choose.
