Thursday, May 10, 2012

An Interesting Day . . .

Today was another interesting day. Two things of note today.

The first is a blog post by my nomadic friend (via the Internet) Glenn Morrissette, the itinerant musician/composer who has made a living for a number of years writing the music for TV shows and movies in Hollywood. Glenn has been off the grid for about the past year and a half, traveling the U.S., hanging out at interesting, quiet, creative and inspirational locations, visiting family and friends and occasionally meeting up with followers of his blog. We almost met up a few months ago – we were within about an hour of one another – but, timing just wasn’t with us that time.

Glenn is back in Hollywood and readjusting to being an urban nomad for a while. He was creating music scores by “remote control” while he was traveling, but now he’s actually back where he can sit in on the recording sessions on the soundstages of Hollywood. Today he posted a photo of the recording session from yesterday from inside the control room. View from theBooth  Now, as I commented back to Glenn, I have been in a lot of recording studio control rooms over my lifetime in many major and some minor recording cities of the U.S. including Hollywood, but I don’t ever recall being in the control room for a scoring stage. I’ve seen photos of old scoring stage sessions from decades ago, but this is the first view I’ve seen of a current state of the art scoring studio. So, I’m going to have to put getting a chance to see a scoring studio control room on my Life List. And, interestingly, I’ll be on the west coast in about a month or so and if Glenn hasn’t tired of being an urban nomad and is still in town, perhaps we’ll meet up out there and he might be able to get me in to a session. Then I can cross that item off my Life List.

The other interesting thing is that on one of the Yahoo Groups I belong to in the voice-over field I noticed a post by someone I hadn’t seen contributing (though he may have and I just missed it) before over the 10 or so years I’ve been participating in this group. Henry Howard is based in the Hotlanta, GA area. Henry’s signature block caught my attention and I went to his Web site and read through lots of it. After nearly 50 years in the audio recording/production industry, I finally ran into someone who closely parallels the very diverse experience I’ve had in the industry. Most people in just about every industry select and, typically, specialize in one or perhaps a few facets of the industry. Henry and I have actually had experience in many facets, perhaps most of the facets of our industry and our paths have been close.

I emailed Henry and told him about looking at his Web site and reading about his career and how parallel our experiences seem to have been, but that I was under the impression that he was about 20 years younger then me. Well, Henry responded and as it turns out, I am only about four years older then he is and there are probably more crossovers then I even figured from what I had read.

So, once again, thanks to the Internet, a new friend made with a plan to meet up when my nomadic wanderings take me back to the Atlanta area and an opportunity to compare notes with a contemporary who has watched and experienced our industry change over the decades as I have. While Atlanta is a very large city and I’m not a fan of big cities (having grown up in what is now ranked as the 4th most populated metro area in the world, the New York City metropolitan area, I still enjoy visiting cities and meeting the people who make them vital and important parts of our society.

I hope your day has been as interesting as mine has.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ed, have you chosen a name for your van yet?


Ed Helvey said...

Hi Edie, thanks for checking in --

Well, I'm sifting through bunches and bunches of names. There are so many creative people out there who submitted some fantastic ideas. It's hard to categorize them which is what I'm attempting to do. I mean I guess I could just call it George or Mary or something like that - and I would have if I didn't want something that really gave meaning to the vehicle as part of my life. So, I'm juggling the various aspects I mentioned in my VANTASTIC! post with the parameters I'm attempting to fulfill. Hang in there, I'm still targeting the end of the month to have made a final decision.
