This step is challenging. I’m breaking it into two parts. I
like the elephant analogy in this case. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at
a time. The entire 12-step program is about eating an elephant and eating the
elephant in small steps. By utilizing this approach, what appears to be a
daunting project becomes much more manageable.
Step #1 is an assessment of the dreams you had for your life
when you were in your teens and early 20’s and the realization of where you’ve
ended up currently. Step #2 is to discover who you actually are at the present
time based on your early dreams from Step #1 and everything you’ve experienced
during your lifetime to the present.
Part 2 of the personal inventory is mostly your intangible
assets and include things like your education, your professional/job
experience, relationships, health, challenges and tribulations you’ve
experienced, spiritual connections, belief systems, accomplishments,
reputation, credibility and any other aspects of your life that can’t be
directly seen, touched, weighed or takes up space other then in your mind,
heart and soul.
Part 1 is to take an inventory of your tangible assets. Part
2, then, will be to take an inventory of your intangible assets.
So, let’s get started on Step #3, Part 1 - Tangible Assets
Making A List, Useful And Nice
The tangible assets are the easiest to work with because you
can see, touch, pick up or in some way move them, live in them, whatever. Take
a sheet of paper or open a new document file on your computer in the
“landscape” format (long side across the top) or, if you have some, use some
wide accounting journal sheets and write across the top “Tangible Personal
Asset Inventory of _________ (put
your name in the blank space) as of ______” (fill in today’s date).
If you’re handy with a spreadsheet program like Excel, you might find this
process even easier.
Below the title create several columns across the page.
Label them as follows:
Column #1 - “Asset.”
This column needs to be wide enough to write in the names of the assets you’re
going to be listing.
Column #2 - “Value @
Acq” This stands for the value when you acquired the asset. What did you
actually pay for your house, vehicle, time share, diamond ring, table saw,
stereo system, golf clubs, scuba gear, skis, boots and clothes, etc. Don’t
guess! You probably have some records on these purchases.
Column #3 - “Equity”
This means how much of the asset do you actually own. How much REAL money, not
inflated by real estate brokers or insurance appraisers, Blue Books, etc. do
you actually have in whatever the asset is. Be sure to account for market
fluctuations based on the recent economic downturn in values.
Column #4 -
“Creditor Owned” This, obviously, means how much does a creditor own of the
assets? Remember, even though the value may have fluctuated and changed your
equity position, the creditor is still owed the same amount of money, which
means the creditor may own a larger percentage then you thought they did and
the only way that will decrease is by paying back what is owed to the creditor
PLUS all interest due at the time of the pay off.
Column #5 - “Date
Acq’d” This stands for the date you acquired the asset.
Column #6 - “Curr
Real Value” This means what is the current real value of the asset? What is the
asset actually worth in today’s dollars in today’s market? Vehicles are
virtually always depreciating assets and even the NADA, Kelley and Edmund’s
Blue Book values don’t seem to be very stable. Real estate is also somewhat
unstable currently. For example, I recently heard about a studio condominium
apartment in Florida that sold for $9,000. I’ll guarantee it was much, much
more when the original buyer purchased it.
Column #7 - “Fire
Sale” This is the value you hope (and you’re probably still being optimistic)
you’d receive for your assets if some event occurred in your life and you
needed money NOW and had to sell assets for whatever you might be able get for
them. Consider what a pawnshop would give you. That’s basically fire sale
value. This has been happening to a lot of people lately. Many of them were
well-employed, middle class folks not long ago.
Column #8 - “Use”
This means how often do you, actually, use the asset? When did you last use the
asset? Do you ever use the asset at all? How many times have you moved the
asset from house to house and storage place to storage place in your house.
Column #9 - “Where”
This asks where the asset is kept or stored in your home or are you actually
paying for a storage unit in a public mini-storage facility (ouch!)?
Column #10 - “Space” This means how much actual space in
square or cubic feet does the asset require to keep or store wherever it is?
Column #11 - “Cost” How much is the ongoing cost in space,
insurance, upkeep and so on for that asset to remain in your possession? If you
have it in a paid public storage unit, that’s really burning money up. I know.
I’ve done it.
Column #12 - “Need/Want” This means does the asset fill an
absolute need in your life or is it simply something you want, but, when push
comes to shove, isn’t really needed.
Column #13 - “Pers Values” This means how does the asset
impact your current personal values? Does the asset make you happy? Does the
asset make your life easier or more comfortable? Does the asset improve your
life and lifestyle in any manner? Or, does it just . . . exist?
Column #14 - “Action.” This means, after evaluating the
asset in your personal asset inventory, is there some action that should be
potentially taken regarding the asset? Should it be sold for whatever it will
bring? Should it be given away? Will the Salvation Army, Goodwill or the local
Hospice be delighted to have it so they can help others with it? Or should it
just make its way to the landfill some Saturday morning with so much other
“Stuff” that has no real value?
The Realities
We could continue adding more columns and more labels, but
these fourteen columns should give you a real world look at your current
tangible asset load. This probably seems like a lot of information to fill in.
There is no question it would be daunting if I told you to do it all right now,
but that’s not the point. Like any 12 step program, this is a long-term
process. Your assets, both tangible and intangible, are going to continue to
change. So, this is another dynamic step that will continue evolving as time
Additionally, no matter what your current age is, you have
already accumulated so many tangible assets that you’re going to keep
discovering things you forgot you even had and be adding them to your
inventory. Most people end up in the “personal warehousing business” after a
number of years. The worst reality is that you are storing assets that continue
to depreciate or have no value. You’re never likely to use these items again
and your offspring won’t want your “stuff” because they are well on their way
to accumulating their own pile of depreciating assets.
There’s also going to be “stuff” I’ll call “dime store
stuff,” if you’re old enough to remember 5 and 10 cent stores. Most of this has
no value so it doesn’t need to be listed.
However, you may have some old junk (or so it would seem)
that may actually have collectible value. You may have picked it up at a flea
market or yard sale or it may have been in the attic, left behind by a previous
owner or it’s a family heirloom that’s been handed down. All of these items
need to be considered and evaluated. As an example, I have three original
discount admission coupons for Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey.
Palisades Park has been closed since 1971 (four years after I left New Jersey),
the land sold and developed into luxury high-rise apartments. Palisades Park
was one of the great amusement and entertainment icons of it’s time just as the
Disney parks have become today. Palisades Park was even immortalized in song, Palisades
Park, recorded by Freddie Cannon, Gary Lewis and the Playboys and many
other artists and bands. These discount coupons may have some collectible value
even though they cost me nothing when I acquired them as a kid growing up near
Palisades Park. You may have some assets like these, too.
Start Eating Your Elephant
I would suggest that you begin by listing the Assets in
Column #1. You’ll start off with the obvious and most visible assets, your
home, if you own one, your vehicle(s), your furniture, your cash in hand and
liquid accounts, your IRA/401K and/or any other retirement or pension funds,
other investments in stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, commodities,
foreign currency, jewelry, tools, business (if you own your own or are a
partner), tools, “toys,” time shares, one or more vacation properties,
collectibles (and this is a very broad category), life insurance cash value,
etc. You know what you have (or maybe you don’t). You start with the most
visible and obvious and then as you go along, you’ll likely discover all kinds
of things you forgot about years ago.
Once you have the Asset Column started you can begin filling
in the other columns. You can fill in the other columns in any order. For
example, once you have a list of assets you can go down the “Use” column and
indicate the appropriate entry there. You can also work with the “Where” and “Space”
columns in similar manner.
Overcoming The Overwhelming
Here is the toughest part of this process. SELF-DISCIPLINE!
As the old saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” We
all have to deal with inertia. Getting started is the first step. But, keeping
the wheels turning requires continual effort. Set this as a project and
allocate a reasonable amount of time to the process each week. If something
pops into your mind, take action and list or modify whatever it is right then
or you’ll likely forget. Set-up some way that you’ll see this in front of you
all the time so it won’t get buried under a pile of papers.
Believe me! I know how hard self-discipline is and how easy
it is to procrastinate. I could teach the master course on it. I’m going to
start . . . next week. I’ve been fighting my own self-discipline problem with
writing this 12-step program. I have attempted, on several occasions, to write
a book and never followed through. This 12 Step Program is going to be my book.
I’m eating this elephant one bite at a time and I’m working very hard to
maintain the discipline of writing each of these steps so you can benefit from
it. When it’s complete, I’ll have the foundation for the long awaited book.
Now it's time to get started on Part 1 of creating your Personal Asset
Inventory. Part 2 is the next installment.
Hi Ed, this is travelling chic from van dwellers group on yahoo. Thanks for your advice on there and I am interested in reading your 12 steps. Procrastination is a pain to overcome but I know you can do it. It will certainly help many people who are looking for this sort of information like me.
Hi Travelling Chic,
Thanks for stopping by. And you are so right about procrastination. I'm glad some of my thoughts on the group were helpful for you.
Regarding the 12 Steps, if you haven't already, if you go back to the April 28, 2012 post titled 12 Steps for Living Free, you'll find the 12 steps outlined there. The a few posts later you'll find a detailed post on Step 1, then Step 2 and this one, which is part one of a two part post on Step 3. Part 2 will be up in a couple days.
The remaining 12 steps will appear a few days apart. I'm doing it this way to allow interested readers to have time to digest the ideas and begin to think about how to apply them in their own lives.
Any thoughts, comments or questions you have, please don't hesitate to send them to me. I look forward to your progress in your nomadic, living free lifestyle.
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