The answer . . . One Bite At A Time.
This morning I received my email feed from Marelisa
Fabrega's "Daring to Live Fully" blog. I virtually always gain some
great insights and inspiration from her blog posts. Today's topic is "Launch A
365-Day Project In 2013." I recommend this post to you and you can
click on the link to read it.
We have a brand new year beginning in a little more than two
days. 2012 becomes history and we have a clean slate. Let's forget the, pretty
much, useless idea of making New Years resolutions. We all know we're not going
to keep them because we never do. Let's take a different tact. Let's use the
analogy of the new year, the next 365 days, being an elephant, the largest land
animal in the world.
Now, suppose the project is to eat the elephant. How would
you go about eating the largest land animal on Earth? Obviously, I gave you the
answer above, one bite at a time. While the project may seem enormous, it
becomes manageable when we break it down to a series of bites. Now, let's apply
that to our 365 day year.
Here is the next question? What one thing, let's call it a
project, would you like to accomplish during the next 365 days beginning
January 1, 2013? Challenge #1 is selecting one project and only one project
that will uplift, enlighten and fulfill some personal desire or goal in your
life. The reason I said this is Challenge #1 is because there is not one of us
who doesn't have a long list of things we want to do. We also seek instant
gratification. We want what we want and we want it now. So, we make multiple
resolutions, take on multiple projects, establish multiple unrealistic goals
and typically find ourselves in various forms of internal conflict. Not only do
we have to manage these multiple internal conflicts, but we will also find
ourselves dealing with multiple external conflicts with our family members,
employers or employees, clients, friends, community activities and so on.
So, how long will it take before you will start dropping the
resolutions or projects? Typically, you'll drop out of the commitments you made
to yourself within a few weeks. Then you feel disappointed in yourself and,
often, will never accomplish many or even any of the resolutions.
Now, let's select a single project that you can breakdown
into 365 bites. In order to get this concept working for you, start with
something that is of real personal interest, will be enjoyable to pursue and
leave you fulfilled when completed 365 years from January 1st. It's also
important that you select a project that won't be overly complex or taxing. The
objective is to be successful, not to push yourself over the edge. With one
project successfully completed at the end of 2013, you can select a new project
for 2014, perhaps, a little more taxing, if you found that the 2013 project was
easier than you anticipated. Marelisa offers a number of suggestions for
projects in her blog post mentioned and linked to earlier.
and Eating Your Elephant
Now, here's what you want to do. First, make a list of
projects you'd like to accomplish. Second, select the project that is most
important to you and you want to accomplish enough that once you've committed
to it, you'll stick with it. Third, figure out what you must do each day (the
bites it will take to eat your elephant). Fourth, begin on January 1, 2013 and
follow up everyday.
So, here are a few suggestions to get you thinking.
*Create a blog and post to it everyday
*Take a photo everyday to document 2013
*Write a book - one page each day
*Do something creative each day
*Read X number of books (like 52 books by reading everyday)
*Learn to play a musical instrument or learn to sing
*Do a good deed for someone everyday
*Learn a new word or learn something new everyday
*Do something everyday to improve your health or fitness
*Read a new story to your child or children each night
*Do something to simplify your life each day
*Do something to downsize your life each day
These are just a few simple ideas of literally thousands.
Read Marelisa's other suggestions and then put your thinking cap on and list
the ideas most important to you.
Copied your list.
Rather than sticking with just one bite of one thing, I will take a small bite of my elephant and another out of one other matter each day, meaning each day a little something of one thing and a little something of something else. One project get finished a number of other projects progress.
One project will be for me, all the other projects will benefit others as well.
I might even start a day early!
Have a happy and prosperous New Year and thanks for the idea!
Your idea works for me, Mack!
I just create ideas based on what has worked for me and others. Creativity is a great way to take a simple idea and personalize it.
Best to you for a happy, healthy, abundant, free 2013,
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