Monday, September 23, 2013

Special Post: WMSC Radio Station Founder (That's ME) To Be Interviewed On a Live Broadcast Tuesday (Tomorrow) Morning, September 24, 2013

Hi to all my regular readers. This is a special notice to let you know that the founder of WMSC radio in Montclair, New Jersey will be interviewed live tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 24,2013 at 11 AM Eastern Time. The founder of WMSC is none other than yours truly, Ed Helvey, professional nomad and author of this blog.

I founded the station in 1966 and we put it on the air initially in January of 1967, the last semester of my senior year at what was then the 4,000 student, Montclair State College and is now something like an 18,000+ student university. The station has also now been incorporated into the university curriculum, which truly makes me proud to have started it 46 years ago.

So, if you're the least bit interested in college radio, broadcasting or a significant achievement of my early life that helped form who I have become, I invite you to listen to the streaming version of the live program on at 11 AM Eastern Time tomorrow morning. I have no idea what we'll talk about, but I've done tons of radio interviews in the past, so I know it will be fun and likely pretty interesting. Just click on the "live stream" button and join the audience. You can even call in if you want to. I hope lots of you will tune in and enjoy the program with me.

Thanks for this commercial break and a little crass self-promotion. Oh Yeah! I'll be wearing THE  HAT, too.

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