Thursday, September 12, 2019

The First Day of the Rest of My Life – The Day After – September 12, 2019 – Day 12

The Day After . . . the day after what? It's the day after my first chemotherapy treatment. So, how do I feel? Well, other than the same low energy and stamina due to my anemia caused by my blood loss, I feel great.

So far, I am not experiencing any of the listed side-effects or after-effects of the chemo treatment. I am NOT disappointed. I'll be very pleased and happy if the rest of this adventure stays on this plane. 

However, I realize I'm only at the beginning of the trail and I haven't felt the impact of when they begin shooting me with radiation. And, of course, I'll be continuing with the weekly chemo treatments at the same time as I'm being “beamed up” with the radiation five days a week.

I, of course, don't know what tomorrow will bring, yet. I'm looking forward to another good day. I had a call from the nurse at the chemo treatment center who took care of me yesterday, checking to see how I was doing. I missed her call and it went to my voice mail. It was very reassuring to know they care enough to call and check on a patient the day after. I'll call her tomorrow and thank her and let her know how I'm doing.

In general, it was a relaxed day. I made some phone calls, had a problem to solve with my mailing service in South Dakota (that I hope we resolved) and responded to some emails. I also did some work on the Veteran Speakers Network business trust that I just formed with four other trustees. I sorted through some receipts that were piling up on my work table. I did some light filing.

Some would could the day a boring day. But, frankly, I was very glad to not have to drive over the 7 mountains and through the 7 valleys to do the 140 mile round trip to Winchester today. It's my choice to be treated there. There is a large hospital center about 22 miles from where I'm located in West Virginia. However, I have connections, specifically with my oncologist and his team, at the the Winchester Medical Center. I know know one nor of their oncology unit at the closer hospital. When you making decisions about your life, I think most people prefer going where they have full faith and full confidence.

That's pretty much all I have for today. I mentioned there would be some boring days and entries here. Tomorrow through Sunday will be similar. I actually appreciate this time to relax and work on my other projects and keeping up with paperwork. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week will be “road trip” days over the mountains and through the valleys again. So, I'm going to enjoy while I can.

Here's a thought for you to ponder from The Dalia Lama – Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Life free and be happy. EH


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Ed, and following your journey.

John Abert said...

We're glad all is going well, and that you have a rest break between appointments. Keep on...