Friday, September 27, 2019

The First Day of the Rest of My Life – TIRED!!! – September 27, 2019 – Day 27

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller

I felt this was a nice thought for the day. I need a nice thought because my brain is experiencing brain fog. Today is the 27th day since I began this series of blog posts. I had my 8th radiation treatment today. And, I can honestly say, it's the first day I'm feeling any serious impact from this course of treatment.

I slept okay last night, but not as well as other nights. I woke earlier than usual this morning and my mind was busy with a lot of thoughts that wouldn't allow me to fall asleep for a little while longer. I felt fine, but I knew I had to have my, now, routine radiation treatment at 10:15. Also, this was the end of the first week of staying at my friend Judy's in Winchester.

I also made a decision to call Carolyn and tell her she didn't have to drive all the way into Winchester to pick me up and bring me back out to her West Virginia home. I said I'd drive My McVansion out and then drive myself back to Winchester on Monday morning. It's a stressful ride when you have to do it too much. I also told her this may be the last weekend I may be able to make the trip myself. So, at least I could save her two trips over the 7 mountains and through the 7 valleys.

The 15 minute radiation treatment was routine. There was nothing unusual. Michelle and Colleen were awaiting my timely arrival, as always, and I left 15 minutes later.

I had packed what I wanted to take with me back to West Virginia and had it in the van before I left Judy's this morning. We said goodbye and we'd see each other on Monday after my radiation treatment. So, as soon as I left the cancer center, I walked to the van, started it up (I had filled the gas tank yesterday with gas at the best price in the region) and headed out.

I decided to take the route with the least traffic, although at 10:45 AM on a weekday morning there was little traffic. And, I took what I considered a scenic route. The drive was easy and pleasant. I stayed right on the speed limit. I didn't even drive 5 mph over the limit. 

I left the parking lot at 10:45 AM and pulled up in front of Carolyn's house virtually one hour and twenty-five minutes and, roughly, 70 miles later.

I was beginning to feel very tired, maybe the word fatigued might be a better description, when I arrived. I came in, passed some light conversation with Carolyn and then went to the bed in my room in her house and faded away.

I have to honestly say that I've felt a bit tired after one or two of the treatments. But, today I felt totally washed out. I don't know if this is the precursor of things to come, but if it is, I will be able to drive back to Winchester on Monday. However, I sincerely doubt that I'll be able to make the trip on my own steam by next Friday.

I have experienced this kind of tired, fatigued, exhausted, complete lack of energy and stamina twice before that I can recall over the past 17 years. Once was when I had prostate cancer and had a prostatectomy to remove my prostate gland. The second time was when the bite of a nearly microscopic deer tick infected me with Lyme disease. And now, once again, I'm feeling this. For a grown man who has been pretty active and somewhat of a control freak most of my life, to be brought to my knees is very humbling.

However, as I said when I began this series, I want to experience and learn everything I can from the experience. Hopefully, by passing this on to anyone who reads this, I can uplift, inspire and encourage others to forge ahead through whatever challenges and obstacles each may face.

That's all I have for today. I'm going to retire early and look to sleep a long restful sleep tonight.

Live free and be happy. EH

1 comment:

Lorraine Frantz Edwards said...

Indeed, you have laid yourself bare and I truly believe you have inspired and encouraged others to forge ahead through whatever challenges and obstacles each may face. SINCERE THANKS for sharing!! SINCERE BEST WISHES FOR HEALTH & HAPPINESS.