Friday, July 29, 2011

Travelers’ Tech Tips (for Nomads, Gypsies, RVers & other Travelers) Tip #1 – Tech Profile of a Nomad

I’m writing this post on Thursday afternoon, July 28, 2011, the day before it will post on the blog. As I’m composing it, I’m anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring at my friend’s house in rural WV. It will be the FedEx driver delivering my new Motorola Atrix smart phone. It will replace my aging and quite antiquated Samsung Blackjack smart phone that, at four years old, has gray whiskers. I’ll fill you in on the Atrix after I have it in hand, activated and I have it doing all the techy things I chose it for.

Meanwhile, to start this series of Tech Tips I’m going to give you a technology profile of myself, a professional nomad who is still actively pursuing various forms of income generation while having no fixed residence or business location (location independent). Technology has empowered me to pursue this nomadic lifestyle and is necessary for me to productively function and enjoy it. Here is a list of the capabilities I utilize technology for in my various avocational and personal pursuits:

Income generation –
Independent Audio Productions
            music, sound effects, conferences,
            information & educational materials
Voice-over Services
Audio Book Production
Podcast Production (not currently active)
Video Production (limited & not currently active)
            Living Free (and other)
seminar, workshop, retreat, teleconference
and webinar facilitation
            Theatrical Sound Design and workshops
            Publishing Consulting
            Small & Home-based Business Consulting
            Client, follower and vendor communications
Personal Lifestyle –
            Communication with friends & family
            Banking and bill paying
            Online shopping
            Other necessary communication
            Personal Entertainment

Now, before you say it’s impossible to do everything I just listed, allow me to clarify the list. Writing is the newest challenge I’ve undertaken. The other avocational pursuits on the Income Generation list are abilities, capabilities, knowledge and experience I have accumulated over a lifetime. I certainly don’t work at all of these pursuits at the same time. I am focused on writing and developing my blog and several books along with seminars, workshops, etc. based on my writing. However, whenever an opportunity in one of the other avocational pursuits presents itself and the project is something that sounds like fun or presents an interesting challenge, I’ll consider accepting it. I also have audio and video products of my own that I’ll be creating in the future.

For the past two and a half years I’ve been downsizing the quantity, size and weight of the equipment I need, while improving the quality. I’ve set up three different workstations at three different locations to determine which equipment packages are the most efficient and effective for my nomadic plans. Most of the technology that I use either fulfills multiple requirements or crosses over in some other way. The end result is that I can do more with less, smaller, lighter and higher quality equipment then at any other time of my life and professional career.

Now, here is a list of the current portable equipment and technology that I own and use and carry from place to place:

1 – HP DV6000, 2.6 GHz duo core laptop computer with my specialized audio, video and photographic software installed
1 – ASUS Eee PC 1000HA, 1.66 GHz netbook computer with audio, photo, video, bookkeeping, word processing, spreadsheet, database, various communication and other programs I use for professional and more general purposes.
2 – 2 ½” portable hard drives – one for general use and one for audio/video projects
1 – portable USB CD/DVD burner
1 – Hard drive docking station for 3 ½” and 2 ½” internal hard drives
Several high capacity back-up hard drives (functional through the docking station)
4 – Digital audio recorders of different sizes (all fit in my hand), track configurations for different work
2 – Studio grade stereo microphones (an M-S and an XY configuration)
8 – (approx number) of additional studio quality microphones
2 – Wireless microphone systems – battery operated
2 – Studio quality headphones
2 – High quality ear buds
1 – Konica-Minolta Dimage Z6 digital, through the lens, still camera
1 – Kodak Zi8 palm-size, 1080p, HD camcorder
1 – Samsung Blackjack smart phone that is being replaced by a Motorola Atrix tomorrow
Microphone cables, audio cables and adapters
Microphone stands, camera tripods and a variety of other mounting devices
Acoustical conditioning materials
Digital cables and adapters for computers, printers and peripherals
1 – Google Voice account and phone number
1 – Skype account with a subscription for landline and cellphones in the U.S. & Canada
1 – Gmail account that I run all my email accounts through
1 – Digital fax account that receives all my faxes and sends them as pdf’s to my email
1 – AT&T nationwide cell phone account with text messaging & unlimited Internet data

Everything on this list is carried in a backpack, a soft attaché case, a fishing tackle box, a fanny pack and loose in the trunk of my car. Everything has a place and fits in the car and travels with me.

Additionally, I have two 24” and one 19” LCD monitors, four printers of varying kinds (3 laser, 1 color inkjet), two sets of high quality computer speakers and one set of professional studio monitor speakers and various other peripheral equipment stationed at the three locations I mentioned previously. I will take a set of monitor speakers, the smallest of the laser printers and a 24” monitor when I’m going anywhere for an extended duration.

Everything I’ve listed fits in my small five-door hatchback car. I can set up in a motel/hotel room, a small apartment, house, a small office, an RV or just about anywhere I can hang my hat. With the list of equipment and services listed above and Internet access I can conduct business anywhere at any time.

I also maintain one studio analog reel-to-reel recorder, a studio audiocassette deck, other audio and video recorders and a few other pieces of special audio equipment. These are used mainly for analog to digital conversions, audio restoration and archiving. This equipment is stored in a self-storage unit and retrieved when I have a project that requires one or more pieces of equipment.

Each future post in this series will address a specific component of the technology that I’ve listed here and specifically how I use it, including when it’s fulfills multiple uses. With the addition of the new Atrix smart phone and its multi-functionality, I will be adding more capability to my technology bank. I’m still weighing the potential addition of a tablet (iPad) type computer.

I invite your comments and contributions. I know how I utilize all the technology I have for everything I can. It provides me with freedom that I’ve never had before. Let me know your story and how it makes your life freer. I also invite you to join and participate in the Livefreeandhappy Yahoo group I’ve started to dialog with other folks similarly interested in living freer. You’ll find the link on this blog page.


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