Thursday, September 1, 2011

Photo of the Week #18 – Allenberry Resort Inn & Playhouse in Boiling Springs, PA

This is Fairfield Hall at the Allenberry Resort Inn & Playhouse in the quaint and historic village of Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. I just left there on Sunday afternoon after spending days there. This little family owned and operated resort, situated between Carlisle and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania has some historic roots. The 57-acre property is part of what was a much larger parcel of several hundred acres and goes back to the Crockett family. It is the very same Crockett family of Davy Crockett fame. I don’t believe Davy ever lived on this property and as the song goes, he was “Born on a mountain top in Tennessee . . .” The current resort property borders on the Yellow Breeches Creek where there are championship fly casting fishing tournaments held each year for trout and perch.

The photo shows Fairfield Hall, the main building of the resort complex. Fairfield hall houses the front desk, the box office for the on property 60+ year old professional playhouse, several dining/meeting rooms, a restaurant and tavern and an Olympic sized swimming pool behind the building. It is one of several historic buildings on the property. Additionally, there is the Stone Lodge and the Stone Mansion, both dating back 200 years. The original portion of the Fairfield Hall structure predates the other historic buildings. The resort has a total of 72 guest rooms on the property and the playhouse seats in excess of 400 theatergoers. The region is surrounded by all kinds of history dating back to Civil War and Revolutionary War days.

My purpose for being at the Allenberry this past weekend was for the annual Veteran Speakers Retreat I coordinate for a group of veteran speakers friends. We gather once a year in an informal setting to share time, friendship and ideas about life and the future. There is never a dull moment and the event, typically attended by about 60 individuals, keeps me on my toes, not only for the weekend, but also for several weeks prior. Actual preparation for the next retreat begins shortly after the conclusion of the current retreat. A great time was had by all, as we enjoyed a performance of the “Buddy Holly Story” at the playhouse and inducted several speakers into the Legends of the Speaking Profession Class of 2011.  

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