learned a lot over seven decades of life. The first 18 years were dedicated to
learning the basics of surviving and functioning productively as an adult. The
next 10 years were dedicated to the finishing period of preparing for a
lifetime career by completing two college degrees and serving four years in the
U.S. Air Force. The next 22 years were dedicated to my most active professional
and productive period. The last 20 years, while I remained very active in my
career and even expanded into another professional direction, was the period
when I began to review my life and evaluate all I learned over the preceding
years. I continue that review to this day.
I turned 50, I remember saying, "Geez! I'm a half century old. I managed
to survive and thrive. I believe I have reached a point where I might actually
have gained some wisdom to share with others. And, now that I'm a half century
old, I don't care what other people think or how they judge me anymore."
Boy! Did that feel good. I adopted the mantra, WYSIWYG (pronounced - wiz ee
wig) meaning - what you see is what you
father used to repeat a little bit of wisdom when I was a kid. "Everyday I
learn more and more about less and less until one day I'll know everything
about nothing." He never made the 50 year milestone. He died at 42. His
little saying confused as a kid, after all, when I was 16 and 17 I knew
everything. You just had to tell me something and my immediate reply was,
"I know! I know!" My thought, since age 50 has been, I wish I knew
everything now that I knew when I was 17. I'll wager there are a lot of readers
who have had the same or similar thoughts.
age comes wisdom (usually). Today I understand the profundity of my father's
declaration about learning more and more about less and less. I epitomize that
statement. There is so much to know and so much new knowledge being created
everyday. It's probably always been impossible for any one human being to know
everything. Today, impossible doesn't begin to describe the potential of
knowing everything.
vs. Education
powerful and vitally important distinction revealed itself to me many years
ago. It's proven itself to be irrefutable as the years have passed.
Intelligence and education are mutually exclusive. It bothers me, I might even
go as far as to say it angers me, to constantly hear this constant mantra about
today's teenagers and young adults NEEDING a college education. My immediate
response every time I hear that is "bullshit!"
today's teenagers and young adults need is to learn to THINK CRITICALLY! That's
where we are failing our young generations. Our focus is not in teaching young
people to think critically. It's teaching them how to memorize the necessary
information to pass a series of standardized tests so "no child is left
Some people are more intelligent than other people!
Gaining education without the ability or intelligence to apply it is a waste of
time and creates huge student loan debts (over one trillion dollars,
Many of the most successful people in our society do not have college degrees.
Massive numbers of college graduates work for businesses led by individuals who
don't have college degrees.
More people have college degrees in fields they will never make a living from
than ever before.
Our country has fallen from (at one time) #1 to #16 (even Russia and Poland
rank higher than the U.S.) in overall education. And according to the latest
rankings by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the
U.S. is below average ranking at #31 in Math, #24 in Science and #21 in
enough facts. The reality is that the U.S. and the world in general is spawning
more and more educated derelicts. Please don't misunderstand my meaning. I'm
not maligning education or you, if you have one or more degrees. I'm a product
of the education system. I'm a high school graduate and I earned a Bachelors
degree and a Masters degree. While I never applied either of the college
degrees for the specific purpose they were designated for (teaching and working
in the TV & radio industry), as a media entrepreneur, I applied most of the
practical knowledge (not so much the liberal arts part of the degrees other
than being able to talk and write somewhat intelligently) in my businesses.
father was a non-degreed electrical/mechanical design engineer. I'm not sure if
he even graduated from high school. My father had native intelligence and
applied it. Because of him, the fax machine became a common place part of
businesses and other parts of society globally. Also, he became a specialist in
servo mechanisms used in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles and the
U.S. space program. He had degreed engineers working under his supervision.
son, chose not to attend college even though his 7th grade PSAT scores were
high enough to qualify him for most colleges and universities. He is a
self-taught graphic designer and Web developer beginning when he was in high
school. Today, after ten plus years of working under contract for a long list
of major corporations including Microsoft, Amazon and T-Mobile, he is employed
by one of the Big Four international accounting and business consulting firms,
shoulder to shoulder with offices full of MBA's. They all depend on him because
he can take all their ideas and put them to work on a practical level.
Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Bill Lear, Larry
Ellison, J.C. Penney, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln, Richard Branson,
Dave Thomas, Will Smith, Mark Zuckerberg, Walt Disney, Ray Kroc, Dolly Parton,
Rachael Ray, Debbie Fields, Mary Kay Ash, Coco Chanel and many, many other men
and women became very successful without college degrees and in many cases
without graduating high school.
it difficult for them to become successful? Sure! Very few people attain
instant success. Most successful people will make all kinds of significant
sacrifices. Is it easier to reach the levels of success these well-known people
have attained with a college degree. Not necessarily. It is my belief and
opinion that it required raw intelligence, an idea, a dream, the willingness to
do whatever it takes to realize the dream and persistence. None of these qualities
require or are taught as part of any college degree program.
college degree holders become as successful? Of course, however, they often
begin four to six years later than non-degreed successful people. Also, those
with degrees may also begin tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand
dollars or more in debt before they can start their careers.
is a raw, genetic trait individuals are born with. Despite the idea that all
people are born equal, I don't believe that. I believe that some people are
born with genius levels of intelligence. Some people are born with a low degree
of raw intelligence. They may be trainable and functional, however, they will
not be candidates for the CEO of Ford Motor Company. The majority of the
population fall somewhere between those two extremes. We could call it average
intelligence, but if you're referring to those at the crest of a bell shaped
curve, once again, that is still only a nominal portion of the population.
is that quality or trait that allows an individual to function in society and
all of life's situations. The gift of talent may be equated with intelligence.
Some extremely intelligent people may not be able to tie their own shoelaces,
yet they might be geniuses in math. Intelligent people are those who can take a
basic idea and turn it into a tangible invention, product, business, etc. Those
with less intelligence are the people who are instrumental in producing the
product, providing a service and making the business or organization function.
Herbert Reaske, an English professor at Montclair State College when I attended
there in 1963, taught me the two most important things I learned in college. He
was the professor of the first class of my college career. Mr. Reaske taught me
that to be successful in life I needed to be able to burn the candle at both
ends and to THINK CRITICALLY. He said that everything else I would experience
in the way of classes, reading, papers and exams during my college education
were basically all rote repetition. I had to get through them to earn the
degree, but I didn't need to focus my life on them. If I could think
critically, I could find this information, again, in the future should I ever
need to.
is our failure! Education. This is why we are falling so far behind the rest of
the world. As I stated earlier, I don't have any issues with anyone gaining an
education. However, I believe we have long ago lost focus on the concept and
process of education. School systems are dropping the requirement to learn
cursive writing. We no longer focus on learning the traditional math tables and
doing long arithmetic because we have calculators. There is controversy over
assigning homework to elementary, middle and high school students. Is this too
much work?
are a few more facts. Asian students study far more hours per day than U.S.
students. They also have higher test scores and are ahead of U.S. students in
math, science and reading. Another fact, there are more college graduates in
India than the entire population of the U.S. Apparently, they are highly
qualified and motivated, too, which is why we find so many Indian doctors,
scientists and engineers migrating to the U.S. Either we aren't graduating
enough people in these fields OR the Indian graduates are more qualified than
the U.S. graduates.
Here's another personal opinion. We have
become a nation of educated derelicts. Of course, we have always had a certain
percentage of educated derelicts. I simply believe we are graduating more and
more of them. Why? Because too many people going to college are not prepared
for college when they get there. They have unrealistic expectations of what a
college education is and what it's supposed to do for a graduate. They are
immature and aren't focused on education, but having a fun college life. Upon
graduation, all too often, carrying a massive student loan burden, they expect
to find jobs that will pay "big money" so they can live comfortably,
buy "toys" and pay off their loans. But, no one wants to start at the
I like to remind everyone, there can only be one #1 in class ranking. Therefore
everyone else falls into place where their grades and efforts place them. There
are those at the bottom of the class ranking, too. Are they not as intelligent?
Do they not apply themselves? Do they not care enough about their future?
all want to live and work in buildings designed and built by the #1 in the
engineering or architecture class. We also want to be treated and operated on
by the #1 in the medical school class. It doesn't matter what the field or
industry, we all want #1 to serve us. So, what happens to all those who are in
the lower class rankings? Is this why people who often get the positions may be
from foreign countries?
is a process. Intelligence is a gift. If you have the gift and apply it by
learning to think critically, an education may enhance your capabilities.
However, if the system is failing you then, maybe applying your gift of
intelligence without a "formal" education may be the better route for
you. Expect some discrimination. Some employers don't evaluate employment
candidates based on abilities and experience, but on their degrees and the
institutions that conferred the degrees.
is my admonition to you. Regardless of how intelligent you are, if you're
reading this article, you have at least average or above average intelligence.
Stop blindly being a follower and start living your life on your own terms. If
you have kids, do something unpopular - challenge them. Help them learn. Help
them to think critically by posing situations they have to actually use their
minds to resolve. Limit their exposure to video games (you, too). They are
addictive and take massive amounts of time away from one's life.
live free you have to think free. You have to be independent and not concerned
about what "They" think or what "They" tell you is right
for your life. To be free, your mind must be under your own control. Set an
example for your family, friends and others you come into contact with by
defining what living free means to you and then using the gift of your
intelligence to achieve it. Then guide your children and others down that path
by your example.
On the money Ed. Today self-teaching is available over a vast array of subjects and online so no need to relocate to a college town. As long as someone has learned to think for himself (another way of saying critical thinking), they can create their own reality in a particular field through self-education.
One exception is a degree needed for professions or specialized equipment such as physics, chemistry, biology. But even in these areas, much can be done online.
However, the indoctrinating mantra, Go to College! is tough for many parents to depart from. So off to college where children learn from others and distort character that no parent would want.
Lot of information about self-directed education online.
Well put, Richard. Thanks for your comment. I agree that there are certain fields that require specific kinds of college/university experiences and the earned degree to "practice" in those fields. And, I'm not suggesting that earning a degree is a useless or negative exercise and achievement. Only that in today's society, certain degrees are costly experiences leading in non-productive career directions.
I heard this morning that Starbucks is now offering to fund a four year degree program for any of their employees who work 20 or more hours per week. The degree program is an on-line program operated by Arizona State University. I imagine ASU and Starbucks have formed some kind of partnership. I would think other companies will follow suit and this could really start putting pressure on a lot of colleges and universities to lower their tuition and fees as more students start taking advantage of these on-line programs.
As far as young people learning to think for themselves (learning to think critically), that is the key to the future and it should be started and fostered in elementary, middle and high school - long before any higher education or career training.
Since 1990 tuition costs increased more than healthcare. In fact, college tuition rates have steadily increased regardless of the economy. It's all a big scam!
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