Sunday, February 14, 2016

Photo-of-the-Week #250 – If Wishes Were Fishes, Duck (OBX), North Carolina, September 2007

I don't know if you have ever heard the saying, “If wishes were fishes, I'd have a bathtub full.” but grew up hearing it. I have no idea what the origin is, but my mother would recite it whenever I, as a youngster, would say anything beginning with “I wish . . .”

Well, if wishes were fishes, this is were I'd be today, the beach where it is warm(er) or anywhere like it. I'm still in the beautiful state of “Wild and Wonderful” West Virginia. This is a beautiful state, for anyone who has never been here. It has a wonderful state park system. I highly recommend you visit this state when you can. You won't be sorry. . . 

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Her Royal Wildness, Lois said...

I, too, am wintering in a place I never thought I'd be again for the winter - cold, dreary, wet, damp, dark - but a gorgeous place when the sun is shining, as it does for a couple of months out of the year. Making sure I don't lose myself in the blackness of a winter not spent in the sun is a daily process for me. Yes, I chose to be here and the reasons are very valid - I also know it won't last forever and that knowledge I owe to the wisdom of my own longevity. Onward and upward, Ed!

Ed Helvey said...

Choices! It's all about choices, Lois. It's snowing here again, last night and today and tonight it's supposed to turn to sleet and freezing rain and by tomorrow afternoon, to just plain rain. Sometimes I question my choices, but I know I made mine for valid and the right reasons, too. Onward and upward, right back atcha, Lois!

Anonymous said...

I could take cold weather ( making an effort ) but darkness, no way Jose... lack of sunshine will get me depressed in a couple of days !! That's why leaving in southern California is a MUST.

Good luck, best wishes for your weather improvements.