Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo of the Week #30 – Downtown Hotlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia, also called “Hotlanta,” is a city I’ve been to many times. It was the home of one of my duplication system manufacturer/vendors in the days when I owned a couple of my duplication businesses and sold systems to other smaller duplicators. An old friend from church, high school and college days and her husband lived there until she retired from teaching school. I’ve lost track of her and will have to search her out again. I also have several colleagues from the professional speaking field who lived in and several who still live in the Atlanta area.

This photo was shot from an upper floor in the Atlanta Hilton Hotel in March of 2004 when I was there exhibiting at a book marketing conference hosted by best-selling author, Mark Victor Hansen of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” fame. In the background you can see the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, all 773 feet of it. I’ve stayed at the Peachtree Plaza as well. Atlanta is a very upscale southern city. Like virtually all big cities, it has to deal with massive traffic and congestion. And, of course, it’s a fairly expensive city to live and work in, though, probably not as expensive as New York and Washington, DC. Atlanta also is home to the busiest airport in the U.S.

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