Thursday, July 23, 2015

Humanity from Space - A Human Odyssey

Okay, I know I recently posted an article about TV being one of the great "life thieves." And, I still stand by that. And, I'm still, hopefully, to a lot lesser degree than the population at large, getting better and better at not allowing TV to usurp my priceless time. But, alas, I'm still human in a world where hundreds of channels and thousands of hours of choices in (mostly, in my opinion) mindless drivel is beamed into our lives 24/7/365. I'm weak, but working at getting stronger.

My point is, I'm actually going to recommend you watch a TV program. A friend I highly respect and who is, by IQ, in the genius category and who is also, in financial terms, one of the, so-called, 1%, recommended this program to me. The title of the program is "Humanity from Space." It is what I am terming a PBS (Public Broadcasting) scihisdoc or to clarify, a science, history documentary. And, as with just about all Public Broadcasting programs, the research, the video, graphics, photos and production values are excellent. It's available in high definition, of course.

I can't give you all the information in the program, it's too comprehensive. I will tell you that of the estimated 200,000 years humans have populated this planet, this program explores the last 12,000 years or basically before there was any kind of formal civilization and societies consisted of hunting/gathering bands of nomadic humans.

As I said, the program is very comprehensive. It keynotes the pivotal events in human societal development from the hunting/gathering bands, through the Agrarian Revolution. This event caused a massive change in humanity and was where civilization, as we refer to it was born. It then proceeds to the Industrial Revolution and the massive changes in the course of human events it brought about. The Information Age was next and again, created massive change. And, of course, now we are in the Digital Age.

All of these changes included or were actually caused by technological invention and advancements. And, along with these advances came changes in how humans lived in the societies that were evolving. This is when the birth and creation of cities and urban life began. The requirements for housing, governance, commerce, transportation, etc. also began to take form. 

The thing that startled me to some degree, yet, didn't necessarily take me by complete surprise was how long it took to get to where humanity finally "took off," so to speak. The technological advances and the order in which they fell into place led to our present state of humanity and civilization. All of this actually occurred in such a relatively minute amount of time in the 12,000 year journey. The statistics at the end of the program were amazing. I was aware of some of them, but my mind was boggled by others.

So, if you have a desire to understand the world we live in today and what the future holds, I strongly recommend you find a local PBS station that has this program on their schedule. You may especially find this an important information if you value whatever personal freedom you currently have, because retaining our personal freedom will likely be much more difficult in the future. 

I, in fact, went to the PBS Web site and streamed the program in full HD. The screen may have been a bit smaller on my laptop than the average home LCD, hi-def, flat screen TV, but it was just as amazing and the sound was great, too.

Try this link and see if it takes you there: "Humanity from Space"

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