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Cecil Stoughton, White House |
were words uttered by the late President John F. Kennedy. No one can know, if
JFK had lived and served two terms as President of the United States, if he
might have been one of our greatest presidents. Lee Harvey Oswald's (or
whoever's) bullet cut short what might have been a brilliant and courageous
course, Kennedy said a lot of often quoted things during his three years in
office. This quote just seemed to hit home with me. These words are powerful
for anyone who really seeks personal freedom and the opportunity to grow to
their greatest potential.
about it. How many great leaders, successful icons of industry, military
officers (and enlisted men and women) musicians, artists, actors, educators,
doctors, etc. can you name who were or are conformists? Indeed, non-conformists
all need to know where the boundaries are, but they also know where they can
either expand the boundaries or break through them.
societies are mainly comprised of conformists. Conformists are people who don't rock the boat or
challenge the status quo. They are the people who make sure the basic
principles of civilization and societies continue generation after generation
and century after century. They are the bedrock or foundation that provide
non-conformists are the movers and shakers, the iconoclasts, the risk takers,
the visionaries. Conformity is boring to these people. They are always looking
outside the box. They strive for and thrive on the quest for the freedom to
express themselves in their own way. They often upset the apple cart and create
controversy and even conflict, because they are driven to create new trails and
roads. They require freedom to take risks and explore new ideas and frontiers.
They are the catalyst for change and advances in all facets of society.
and our, challenge, if we seek to live free in a world that is becoming
increasingly less free, is to dare to extend and, when possible, break through
the boundaries dictated and established by government, industry, education and
society, in general. It can be as sophisticated as creating new ideas in public
transportation like Uber or travel housing like Air BnB. Or, it can be as
simple as creating mobile lifestyles or creating tiny houses that don't require
a lot of land or public services.
whether one generates a lot of money or inspires others to live frugally and on
minimal financial resources, there is a bottom line. That bottom line is to be
physically, societally, financially, governmentally, psychologically and
spiritually free to enjoy our gift of life, however we feel best doing so. It
also requires that we don't infringe on anyone else's rights to live as they
choose, whether in societal conformity or non-conformity. And, this personal
freedom also provides opportunities to grow in whatever ways we choose.
think I've very likely expanded on JFK's meaning when he made this statement.
However, I have the personal freedom to interpret his statement as best fits my
requirements . . . and so do you.
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