Monday, October 21, 2019

The First Day of the Rest of My Life – Four More Days – October 21, 2019 – Day 51

Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude. - Lou Holtz

Four more days to go. All I'm focused on now is counting these days down until Friday, October 25th when I will have my last radiation treatment and my last chemo treatment. Just four more days.

I'll be honest. I was not looking forward to driving over the 7 mountains and through the 7 valleys again this morning to arrive in Winchester at the cancer center for my 10:15 radiation appointment. And, I didn't enjoy it. But, thankfully, Carolyn has been maintaining a very positive and supportive attitude.

We actually arrived about 20 minutes early for my appointment – and a very positive thing happened. The radiation techs, Colleen and Allison (Michelle wasn't there this morning) called me in for my treatment 15 minutes early. So, instead of going in at 10:15, I actually was done and walking out the door at 10:15.

That's about the sum total of the day today. Carolyn and I stopped and picked up some of our favorite BBQ sandwiches to take home (her back to West Virginia and me back to Judy's house). Carolyn drove me to Judy's. I got my stuff to the front door with her assistance. We said goodbye for the next few days and off she went heading back to West Virginia. I moved my van back to park in front of Judy's (I had left it on the other side of the street over the weekend so her lawn guy could cut and trim where the van is normally parked). I took Judy's garbage can to her back yard where she keeps it.

I then went inside and piece by piece moved my stuff up to my room. I laid down on my bed – and that was it. I stayed there until about 5 PM when I finally moved and went downstairs to be sociable with Judy. We ate some dinner and chatted for a while. I then excused myself and headed upstairs just before 8 PM. Not much to say for the day. But, at this point in time and in my course of treatments, I expected it to be something like this. So, the major goal for the next four days is to get through the next four days. I'd like to do something productive, but I'm not concerned if I don't get anything done.

Live free and be happy. EH

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